Monica Missaghi B.A.(Hon), M.A., Acc.FM.(OAFM) CP.Med.

Toronto Family Mediator
Family & Child Protection Mediation, Solution Focus Counselling Services
647 928 0560
416 444 4679
Now offering virtual services! Evening and weekend appointments.
Experienced, Understanding, Affordable, Confidential.
Monica uses a solution focus approach to facilitate negotation and support couples and families in the mediation process. Child protection mediation also available.
Issues Mediated
- Separation and Divorce (parenting)
- Separation and Divorce (child support &/or spousal support)
- Separation and Divorce (financial and property division & equalization)
- Separation and Divorce (comprehensive - all issues - parenting, support & property)
- Cohabitation Agreements
- Marriage Contracts
- Parent-Teen Relations
- English
- German
On Lawrence between DVP & Victoria Park
Toronto , M3A 1C1
ON ,